Shipping Policy

We will dispatch the product within 24 hours after receiving the order. When the product is dispatched, details about the shipping Partner, Tracking ID, etc will reach the customer through Mail or what’s App no.

We Request the customers to Provide the proper address with pin code, Land mark and additional Contact number while check out

The orders which cost above 5,000 Ruppees will be of Free shipping. 100 Rs.per Kg will be the charge for the orders which cost below that. As of now, We deal Only with Domestic Shipping. As soon as Possible we will update to international Shipping

If the product is returning back to us due to miscommunication during delivery, or mismatching address, etc. the product will be sent back to the customer after the payment of returning and second time shipping charge as free shipping is not applicable for the second time. If the customer is not ready to pay both the charges, amount will be refunded by reducing the above mentioned charges.

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